Year 4

Scary stuff!


 I felt very scared when I pushed off the side onto the zip line but when I got used to it I loved it! Cerys

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Year 4

Happy birthday girls!!!!!!


 The cake was delicious!

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Year 4

Hawkhirst-Day Two


  Bell boating to to the island.  Group photo with both heads!!

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Breakfast time!!!
Year 4

Breakfast time!!!


Yummy yummy yummy!    

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Year 4

Night night all…


  Night all! We are looking forward to another day of fun tomorrow!

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Activities at Hawkhirst day one!
Year 4

Activities at Hawkhirst day one!


            “We loved the crate building” Libby sophie   ” our mission was achieved to keep Mrs Bayes alive!” Henry […]

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Lunchtime at Hawkhirst! We arrived safely everyone!
Year 4

Lunchtime at Hawkhirst! We arrived safely everyone!


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