Year 4

Discover Arts Award in Year 4!


      As part of our links to The Custom House in South Shields we have taken part in the Discover Arts Award. This […]

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Year 4

Live Tales


Year 4 have once again had a fantastic trip to the Live Theatre where we took part in ‘Live Tales’! This is a creative writing […]

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Year 4

Loft Music Studios


Today, Year 4 had a fabulous trip to the Loft Music Studios. We learnt all about sound, how it is created and how it travels. It was […]

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Year 4

Girls’ Football Festival


Did you know that it was recently The FA Girls’ Football Week? That’s right and we took our very own girls’ football club to take […]

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Year 4

Children in Need 2017


It has been a Spotacular day at Archibald today.  The children have been covered in spots and grown extra ears, but we’re not worried as […]

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Year 4

Delightful DT Day!


What a fantastic day Year 4 have had! It was our day dedicated to Design and Technology. We combined our science, art and engineering skills […]

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Year 4

Class 9 Ukulele Concert!


There were a few butterflies in tummies in Class 9 this morning. It was the day of our ukulele concert and although we were excited […]

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