” I was really scared!” Sonny “I loved the zip wire! Jamie
Activities at Hawkhirst day one!
“We loved the crate building” Libby sophie ” our mission was achieved to keep Mrs Bayes alive!” Henry […]
Jam Jar Challenge: The Winners and a HUGE achievement!
The Spring Term Jam Jar challenge is over! Sit back, hold onto your hats and be prepared to be amazed with the staggering total…. […]
Sharing Week in Early Years
We would like to say a huge thank you to all the Mummies, Daddies, Grandmothers, Granddads and child minders who came in to Early Years […]
Class 4 Assembly Postponed
We apologise for the short notice, and hope everyone received the text message sent earlier however due to staff illness we have had to postpone […]