How Does Your Garden Grow? Year 1 – Week 5


Hello everyone! How are you all? Have you been enjoying the sunshine recently? We only have a couple of weeks left of school before the summer holidays; can you believe it? We hope you enjoy the activities provided this week. Scroll on to find something you will enjoy!

Please continue to read everyday for 20 minutes where possible.
You might like to use the links we shared two weeks back.

These were:
Collins Connect
Reading Eggs
Oxford Owls

Login details for Collins Connect:
This is a generic account to be used.
Select Archibald First School
Enter the first letter of the last name: A 
Enter day and month of birth: 1 1 
Enter year group: 1

Marvellous Monday
29th June 2020
Funky Phonics

Recap all phase 3 sounds and phase 5 sounds using Flashcards Speed Trial on Phonics Play.

Practise blending words by playing DJ Cow! Choose the sounds you’d like to practise.

Tricky words to practise this week: little, one, do, when, what, out

Lovely Literacy
Look at these minibeasts – can you order them alphabetically?
Can you remember what you have to do if two words start with the same letter?

Look at the pictures below.

Can you write descriptive sentences about the minibeasts and what they are doing? Super Challenge: Can you use alliteration to describe? E.g. The beautiful butterfly flew through the splendid sky before resting quietly on a flower.

Marvellous Maths
Video: Make Arrays

Already completed this content? Try the alternative lesson here.

Super STEM
Lifecycle of a Plant
This week, we’d like to introduce you to some new vocabulary:
germination, seedling, flowering, seed dispersion

Look at the four images and explore which go together. We have attached the answers via PPT PDF so that you can check!

Please share the story of The Tiny Seed. Can you spot any of these stages throughout the story?

PE – Cricket
This week’s challenge focuses on bowling. Check the video out here.

Re-share the story of The Cautious Caterpillar. What was Cody worried about? Change! As we come to the end of Year 1, we would like to think about the changes that may occur going into Year 2.

You now know who your new teacher is, and which classroom they will be in with you. Do you have any questions for them? Please write any questions on the attached sheet after colouring a lovely picture! Remember to share them with us so that we can find out the answers! Please take you time with this task, you might like to revisit it and chat every few days.


Terrific Tuesday
30th June 2020
Funky Phonics – Alternative Sounds!

We are going to explore the different sounds these graphemes can make: i and o

The /i/ grapheme can say /i/ like in tin and /i/ like in wild.
Try sorting these words: pin, his, milk, link, mild, wild, blind, behind, remind

The /o/ grapheme can say /o/ like in hot and /o/ like in gold.
Try sorting these words: hot, spot, shock, clock, golf, so, don’t, gold, both, hold

Practise both of these on Acorn Adventures on Phonics Play.

You might like to practise reading the two alternatives in sentences:
Don’t go to the hot spot.
The wild child did a trick.
Can we both hold the gold block?
Remind me to stick things in my mind.
Don’t get a shock if it is too cold or too hot.
You will find a big stick behind the tree.

Lovely Literacy
This week we’d like to share the Bad Tempered Ladybird with you. Enjoy!

What does bad tempered mean? Can you think of any other words that mean the same? What do you think makes the ladybird bad tempered?

This week, I would love for you to write your very own version of this story! Can you use the attached document to create a plan for your story? Remember, the time moves forward one hour each time and each animal gets bigger and bigger!

Please try to choose two adjectives to describe the animal’s defence mechanism used to scare the ladybird/minibeast of your choice. Can you use alliteration? Remember, key words only for a plan!

Marvellous Maths
Video: Make Doubles

Already completed this content? Try the alternative lesson here.

Super STEM
Recap the lifecycle of a plant.
Task: Create your own lifecycle of a plant using the activity attached. You can choose a sunflower or an apple tree.

If you choose the apple tree, please think carefully about the slight differences. When the tree grows it’s fruit, what is it able to do?


Wonderful Wednesday
1st July 2020
Funky Phonics – Alternative Sounds!

We are going to explore the different sounds these graphemes can make: c, g and u

The /g/ grapheme can say /g/ like in grass and /g/ like in magic.
Try sorting these words: gap, gas, pig, plug, golf, gent, ginger, magic, danger, germ

The /c/ grapheme can say /c/ like in cot and /c/ like in cinema.
Try sorting these words: cat, crisp, coat, curls, clock, cell, acid, success, accent, ice

The /u/ grapheme can say /u/ like in hut and /u/ like in unicorn.
Try sorting these words: plug, hump, but, gust, under, unit, unicorn, music, tuba, stupid, pull, bull, pudding, full

Practise these on Acorn Adventures on Phonics Play.

You might like to practise reading the two alternatives in sentences:
Can a unicorn play music on a tuba?
Will a human get stuck in a pudding if they eat it sitting on a muddy cushion?
Will it be fun for a duck to use a computer?
Can you cycle and cling on to a clock?
Can an accent bring success?
Can you grow ginger in a magic garden?

Lovely Literacy

Today it is time to write your narrative using your plan!

Introduce your minibeast and show how he/she is feeling bad tempered. What won’t he/she share with his friend? Remember to mention that he/she flies off!

Problem 1:
Record your first meeting with another animal! Use your plan to help.
E.g. ‘At 1 o’clock, the bad tempered ladybird met a scary scorpion and asked him to fight. The scary scorpion agreed and showed his pointy pincers. The bad tempered ladybird changed his mind so flew off.’

Marvellous Maths
Video: Make Equal Groups – Sharing

Already completed this content? Try the alternative lesson here.

Super STEM
Seeds on the Move!

Think about the ways in which seeds may disperse (spread out) so that life cycles can continue. It may happen naturally, or it may happen with human/animal intervention. How did they disperse in the book, ‘The Tiny Seed’? Try thinking about bees too. Visit BBC Bitesize then try the challenges to develop your understanding!

Helpful links:


Thinking Thursday
2nd July 2020

Lovely Literacy

Problem 2:
Record your next meeting with another animal! Use your plan to help.

What happens when the ladybird/minibeast returns home to his leaf? Has he stopped being bad tempered?

E.g. ‘At 3 o’clock, the bad tempered ladybird returned to his leaf and decided to share the aphids after all. They enjoyed them together and…’

Marvellous Maths
Video: Make Equal Groups – Grouping

Already completed this content? Try the alternative lesson here.

Terrific Topic
Today we’d like you to go on a field trip and use your geographical skills. Can you go for a walk and spot where the minibeasts are hiding? Do they prefer human or physical features? Dark or light places? Can you research why this is? Attached are two minibeast hunt sheets; the choice is yours. How many can you find? You might like to complete this task more than once so that you can find more and more!


Fabulous FriYAY
3rd July 2020

Sports Day!
You should have received a letter via email with all the details for our Sports Day. Please carry out the tasks and submit your scores by Monday 6th July so that we can find the winning team!

Magnificent Makaton
With our lovely garden theme this half term, we thought it would be good to practise our signs for things that may be found or grow in the garden. Can you learn all the foods that the caterpillar eats in this week’s story? Please also practise the sign for caterpillar, butterfly and your days of the week.

Just Because!
Up to date WRM worksheets can be found attached. Video links are available here.


We hope you have a wonderful week everyone; we can’t wait to see you as you visit your new teachers in small groups soon! Keep shining super stars!

Love Miss White, Mr Bourke, Mrs Conway, Mr Holman & Mrs Corrigan