Year 3 Samba Performance!


On Thursday 6th April 2017, all the pupils in Year 3 performed in a Samba band for the rest of the school!

We had all worked really hard over the last 12 weeks to practice and learn about how to be in a successful Samba band. We spent lots of time learning about rhythm and pace, ensuring we kept in time. It was sometimes tricky not to play too quickly, but by working hard, our final performance was great!

We invited all the staff and children from Early Years to Year 4 to join us in the hall. That was a lot of people to perform to! Some of the Year 3 children were nervous, but mostly we felt excited.

We enjoyed all of our rehearsals, and had a fabulous morning performing. We were very proud of ourselves at the end! A special thank you to our instructors for taking the time to teach us so much about Samba.