Year 3 Summer fun!


We’ve had a great term investigating lights and shadows. We loved finding out that the distance between the light source and the object changes the size of the shadow.

“I also found out about natural light sources and artificial light sources.” Sophie, Year 3.

“We also learnt that the shadow gets bigger when the torch is closer.” Aarav. Year 3.

“A natural light source is something that is lit up by itself, such as the sun.” Jacob, Year 3.

“You should always wear sunglasses, hats and cream to care for your skin and eyes. Make sure your sun cream has at least 4 stars on the back. Look at our fabulous sun safety posters!” James, Year 3.


We’ve also been very creative in Art creating our own print blocks and our class collaborative artwork.

“We used cardboard and a string to make an emboss print block. We had great fun printing these and choosing our own colours.” Georgia.

“We were inspired by Adam Hernandez and Lorna Brown Napanangka, we created our hieroglyphic inspired print blocks. Don’t they look great!” Evie, Year 3.

We hope you all enjoy your Summer and that the sun continues to shine! See you all at the beach!