Year 4: Destination Fun!


Year 4 have all been on terrific form this half term! Everyone worked so hard and did such a fabulous job in our Class Assembly. We really hope you all enjoyed the show!

Our topic this half term has been Destination Europe. As geographers, we have found out all about European countries and their human and physical features. We investigated climate using a range of maps and also used our knowledge of latitude and longitude to answer questions on a quiz!

In literacy, we have thoroughly enjoyed reading The Boy in the Dress by David Walliams. We have created several pieces of excellent writing such as a character profile of Dennis, a diary entry and even a formal letter to the rather unkind Mr Hawtrey!

There certainly has been A LOT of super science in Year 4. We have found out how to make a working electrical circuit, how to draw diagrams with appropriate scientific symbols and also investigated a range of items to find out if they were electrical conductors or insulators!

At the start of the term, we created our very own torches using a working electrical circuit and an actual switch.

It really has been a wonderful half term in Year 4. The children all continue to dazzle us every single day with their enthusiasm and hard work. We hope you all have a lovely half term holiday!