Year 4 visit to pizza express


IMG_1733              On Monday 4th July,Year 4 had a treat day from the PTFA to celebrate their time at Archibald. they got to watch films, have extra playtimes and at the end of the day they got treated to class 8 assembly. After that they went on a trip to pizza express! Everyone loved their pizzas!


IMG_1745 We all wore none – uniform and enjoyed our yummy pizzas! Everyone sat with their friends and had loads of fun.


IMG_1742         Lots of the teachers came with us and joined in the excitement.


IMG_1750     For starters we had dough balls and salad, for main we had pizza or pasta and for pudding we had ice cream. It was  delicious !


Everyone in year 4 loved the trip to pizza express! Many thanks to the PTFA for funding this super trip.