Archibald First School

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Thank you for considering Archibald First School for your family.

Together, our children, families, staff and governors are the Archibald family, and we are incredibly proud of everyone as an individual and of our school community.

At Archibald, everybody enjoys working together to make our school a happy, fun, caring and safe place in which our children learn and develop to their full potential. Our vision is that our children leave Archibald as curious, caring, creative, and courageous learners and it is these values that are at the centre of what we do and which form our curriculum offer. At Archibald, our enthusiastic and dedicated staff work collaboratively to ensure that we provide the best possible education we can through a curriculum which is interesting and engaging, that delivers new knowledge and encourages our children to make connections in their learning. Together, we strive to make learning fun for everyone and a key part of this is our curriculum enrichment involving visits, visitors and experiences for all of our children.

We hope that our website provides you the information you would like to see all about our school.  If there is anything you would like to discuss, at any time, you only have to ask or arrange an appointment – everyone is welcome.

Visits to Archibald

Archibald welcomes the opportunity to show prospective parents, looking a nursery or school place for the next academic year, around school to provide a glimpse into life in our Early Years Unit and the school. Please see the Joining Archibald page for further information.

School oversees admissions for Nursery whilst Newcastle Local Authority coordinates the admission process for all school reception places of children living in Newcastle. Click here to access Newcastle Local Authority information regarding admission into Reception Classes.

Admissions Policies

AFS Admissions Policy 2026-27

AFS Admissions Policy 2025-26

AFS Admissions Policy 2024-25

“There is a right for people to object about the policy to the Schools Adjudicator (OSA). See the Schools Adjudicator website for more information on how to do this. Objections for the admissions arrangements for 2026/2027 must be made by 15 May 2025”.

The Newcastle City Council website at contains further information for school admissions.

In-Year Admissions

In-Year admissions for Reception to Year 4 are applications to enter a year group that has already started at school. 

If you wish to make an in-year application for a Newcastle school, you must apply using Newcastle City Council’s ‘In Year Application Form’ which can be found using the website link below.

 In-Year Admission 

We consider each application using our admissions policy and current waiting lists. A place is offered, if there is a vacancy, to the applicant at the top of the waiting list. If we cannot offer you a place you will be notified.

Middle School Admissions

If your child is due to transfer from Archibald First School to another school in September 2025 (our current Year 4 children) then you must apply for a place at your preferred school/s using the Newcastle City Council weblink below. Please remember that transfer to middle school is not automatic and you are required to complete the application process.

Middle School Admission 


Information about the Appeals process and the timescales can be found here: Appeals for school places | Newcastle City Council.

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