Archibald First School

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Clubs and Activities


We run a wide variety of enrichment clubs for children in school. These can change on a half termly basis and we aim to provide a range of clubs that appeal to different children so that everyone has the opportunity to attend a club that they are interested in.

The clubs are available to the children in the stated year groups and letters will be sent out providing more information.


Please note that due to high demand for the clubs, you will receive a text confirming if your child has a place at a school organised club. Names are always selected anonymously and at random making the selection criteria as fair as possible. The school office keeps a list of all children who applied for a club for instances of children no longer wishing to take part or if the club is run again later in the year.


2024-2025 School Clubs

Please click Spring 1 Clubs for details of year groups, dates, times and contact information for the current half term.

If you wish to make contact about a club please email 

Some of our clubs are listed below:-


Aims: To learn Arabic 

Art Club:

Aims: To develop creativity through art and design projects!

Chess Club: 

Aims: For all abilities and for those wishing to learn to play chess.

Earth Science: 


French Club:

Aims: To learn French through games and interactive learning

Friendship Bracelet Club: 

Aims: Learning fun crafting. 

Gosforth Band:

Aims: To play instruments together for a collective purpose

To register visit:

Gosforth Voices:

Aims: To play instruments together for a collective purpose

To register visit:


Aims: To learn to play the guitar.
To register visit:  NEMCO at Home (

Kids Hub:

Aims: Lego technology and computing skills

Lee Sterry Sports Clubs:

  • Football for Year 1 & 2
  • Football for Year 3 & 4
  • Archery for Year 3 & 4

Lil Beatz:  

Aims: Street Dance Classes – promoting exercise while allowing your child to be creative using engaging and imaginative dance. 

Planet Protectors:

Aims: To keep our school as green as can be and to contribute to looking after our local environment as well as raising children’s awareness of green issues.

Rock Up and Sing:

Aims: Enjoy singing with your friends!

Rugby Minis:

Aims: Engaging & interactive tag rugby sessions  

School Council:

Aims: To give the children of our school a voice!


Aims: To learn to play the pocket trumpet.


Aims: To learn to play the ukulele.

UV Dodgeball:

Aims: Dodgeball with lights!


Aims: To learn to play the violin.
To register visit:  NEMCO at Home (


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