Curriculum Aims
Having Fun, Learning Together
At Archibald, our school community worked collectively to develop our school vision. Our vision is that our children leave Archibald as curious, caring, creative, and courageous young people and it is these values that are at the centre of what we do and which form our curriculum offer.
Find out more about our vision and values here.
Curriculum Documents
The children in Nursery and Reception follow the Early Years Curriculum. From here, the children in Key Stage 1 and 2 progress to following the Primary Curriculum National Curriculum Document.
Below are our curriculum maps for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 detailing the objectives covered in each of these phases.
Archibald First School Key Stage 1 Curriculum Objectives
Archibald First School Key Stage 2 Curriculum Objectives (elements in yellow will be covered in GJA)
Each half term we share a curriculum booklet for Early Years, Years 1, 2, 3 and 4 to let you know what the children will be learning about. They provide more information about how the objectives above will be covered. You will find web links on the front page that can be accessed from home and information about visits/visitors too!
If you would like more information please speak to the class teachers.