Archibald First School

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Curriculum Information


What is the curriculum framework for each year group? 

Nursery and Reception classes follow the Early Years Statutory Framework which sets the standards that all Early Years providers must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well. If you wish to read more about the statutory framework, please follow the link below.
EYFS Statutory Framework

In addition to the statutory framework, at Archibald we follow the guidance of Development Matters. Please click on the link below to find out more about Development Matters.

From here, the children in Key Stage 1 and 2 progress to following the Primary Curriculum National Curriculum Document.

Primary National Curriculum

Below are our curriculum maps for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 detailing the objectives covered in each of these phases.

Archibald First School Key Stage 1 Curriculum Objectives

Archibald First School Key Stage 2 Curriculum Objectives (elements in yellow will be covered in GJA)

Curriculum Documents

Each half term we share a curriculum booklet for every year group to let you know what the children will be learning about. They provide more information about how the learning above will be covered. You will find web links on the front page that can be accessed from home and information about visits/visitors too!

If you would like more information please speak to the class teachers.

These booklets will be shared on the year group pages, however, they are currently featured below as we establish our new website.

Autumn 1 – NE3 Our City

This half term, each of our year groups has a focus linked to NE3 and Our City. They will learn about themselves and our locality.

Autumn 2 – History on our Doorstep

We will be learning about our local area and its history.

Spring 1 – Our Wonderful World

After exploring our locality in Autumn 1, the children will venture further a field in their quest as geographers.

Spring 2 – Time Travellers

In Autumn 2, the children in years 1-4 looked at the history of our local area. This half term, the children will travel back in time and across the world to find out about the past.

 Summer 1 – Globe Trotters

So far this year we have explored our local area before travelling a little further. This half term we are going world wide as geographers!!

Summer 2 – Planet Protectors

We have learnt about the world we live in and about its history. This half term, we are looking at how we can look after our world.

 Assessment at Archibald

Early Years

When your child starts in Nursery or Reception at Archibald, we complete our own baseline to understand your child’s unique starting points. We then use these starting points to build on and develop their learning journey.

In Nursery, the baseline assessment includes activities such as counting out toys, drawing a picture of themselves, mark making and observations within play to see how children turn take and respond to one another.

In Reception, our school baseline assessment is very similar to the Nursery baseline with an added assessment of letter sounds and number recognition.

Reception aged children also complete the government Reception baseline assessment. More information for parents on the government assessment can be found by following the link below.

Reception Baseline Assessment

At the end of Reception, the children are assessed against 17 Early learning Goals within the Early Years Profile.

Year 1 and Key Stage 1 Phonics

All of our children in year 1 will take part in the phonics screening check in June. The purpose of the phonics screening check is to show that all children have learned and developed their phonic decoding to an age appropriate standard. It also helps us to identify if your child may need any additional support for their remaining time in year 1 and from there on.

Children who are still developing their phonic decoding skills at the end of year one, take part in the phonics screening check the following year at the end of year 2 (end of Key stage 1).

Phonics Check

Year 4 Multiplication Check

Children in Year 4 participate in the multiplication tables check (MTC) in June each year. The purpose of the check is to celebrate how fluently your child can recall their times tables up to 12. It also helps us to identify if your child may need any additional support.

More information about the Year 4 Multiplication Check can be accessed below.

Year 4 Multiplication Check

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