Spring 2: Religious Themes in our school.
Yesterday, I took an assembly promoting British Values in our school. We listened to a story about developing tolerance and mutual respect between cultures and religions.
I’ve had the pleasure of visiting and talking with children across the school today to look at how our themes in RE develop children’s understanding, empathy and respect in RE.
EYFS, in Nursery I talked to the children about what friendship is and we read a story! We talked about the importance of playing with each other.
In Reception, we played a great game of corners looking at some photographs of Jesus and his disciples. We chose some words to link to friendship and made links to our own understanding of friendship.
Year 1 considered what it meant to give something up for lent and considered how people must be feeling who are currently fasting for Ramadan. We chose our own descriptions and played a game of squares. It was lovely to hear the children use vocabulary linked to previous learning in RE.
In the next few weeks, I plan to play some more games with Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4. My focus will be considering how different religious stories and points of view can change. We shall start to reflect on these emotional responses between different religious and non- religious concepts. How do we all think and express our own opinions? Watch this space...
I’m hoping that the Year 4 children might use some of these ideas to inform their writing in English as we plan and develop our own myths.