Personal, social, health and economic ( PSHE ) education is an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education.
We have a comprehensive PSHE education programme which we deliver across the whole school. Our programme has been written in line with National Guidance (PSHE Association) and to ensure it delivers the statutory Relationships and Health Education from 2020. It covers important issues such as:-
- Health and wellbeing
- Relationships
- Living in the wider world
In addition to this, Archibald delivers the No Outsiders programme to ensure we are a fully inclusive school that supports the Equalities Act 2010.
Our PSHE programme is delivered through our topic work, science curriculum, digital literacy lessons as well as discretely with each class receiving at least one lesson per week. It is delivered by class teachers and our support staff and has input from our School Nurse and other contributors.
We believe in promoting children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development within our school ethos and strive to understand the person as a whole.
If you would like any further information about our PSHE programme including resources, please contact Julie Marshall who is our PSHE Subject Leaders at school.
Key Documents
SMSC at Archibald
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education is embedded within Archibald First School as a foundation for children’s attitudes and understanding. We offer a curriculum which is ambitious, broad and balanced. It promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school to become active and responsible citizens. It prepares pupils to become caring, courageous, curious and creative individuals. Cross curricular links have been made with RE and PSHCE.
Key Documents
At Archibald, we have a rounded programme of assemblies which include singing and celebration assemblies as well as those focusing on key values such as tolerance, respect, fairness, liberty and democracy: ‘Modern Values’. We also celebrate significant dates and festivals around the world.
Our assembly rotas show the themes that will be focused on throughout the year. These may change to reflect events in school, locally and around the world as well as visitors into school.