Archibald First School

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I am delighted to welcome you to our school. Together, our children, families, staff and governors are the Archibald family, and we are incredibly proud of everyone as an individual and of our school community.

At Archibald, everybody enjoys working together to make our school a happy, fun, caring and safe place in which our children learn and develop to their full potential. Our vision is that our children leave Archibald as curious, caring, creative, and courageous learners and it is these values that are at the centre of what we do and which form our curriculum offer. At Archibald, our enthusiastic and dedicated staff work collaboratively to ensure that we provide the best possible education we can through a curriculum which is interesting and engaging, that delivers new knowledge and encourages our children to make connections in their learning. Together, we strive to make learning fun for everyone and a key part of this is our curriculum enrichment involving visits, visitors and experiences for all of our children.

We hope that our website provides you the information you would like to see all about our school.  If there is anything you would like to discuss, at any time, you only have to ask or arrange an appointment – everyone is welcome.

We look forward to working with you and your family in the years ahead


Rebecca Turner



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