Archibald First School

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Computing and Digital Literacy

 Everybody should learn to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think.

Steve Jobs

Children at Archibald are taught the three strands of Computing- computer science, information technology and digital literacy.

Computer science teaches us the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. We use both unplugged and block coding to develop our programming skills.

Information technology allows us to share our learning in a wide range of ways, including word processing, publishing, videos and green screen. We learn how to save and retrieve this content and think carefully about our audience, presenting our work clearly.

In addition to using the resources in school, we develop our skills further using resources and expertise from GEM education.

In Early Years, we use technology to support our learning in a range of ways, including using I Pads, taking photos and using programmable robots.

Key Documents

AFS Computing Overview

AFS Computing Curriculum Statement

Digital Literacy

Digital Literacy is embedded throughout our curriculum teaching our children how to be digital citizens.  Find out about Digital Literacy at Archibald First School via this link...

Digital Literacy


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