Year 1’s Afternoon at the Teddy Bear Hospital!


On Wednesday, some lovely volunteers from Newcastle University came and set up a teddy bear hospital in Year 1! What is a teddy bear hospital I hear you ask.

Well the teddy bear hospital was lots of different stations that taught the children different ways to look after ourselves and keep healthy. All the children brought in their own teddy bears to take round and we even had to treat some of them as they were very poorly!

We started the session by exploring our bodies and we found out what organs are inside of us! We had to put Martha back together!

The children also learned about dental hygiene, how germs spread and the importance of hand washing We explored healthy eating, exercise and about listening.

We had such a great time and the children learned so much.


Thank you Newcastle University, we hope to see you again next year!


exploring the body where does this go? caring for our teeth healthy eating brushing looking after our teddies he sounds poorly! germs and handwashing 2 minutes of brushing!