Year 3 Summer 2 – Week 5


Hello wonderful Year 3!

We hope you’ve had another great week. As ever, there has been lots of excellent work taking place at home and thank you if you found time to share it with us. It really does put a smile on our face when we can see what you’ve been doing on the Archibald Facebook and Twitter pages! All of the staff think that Year 3 are doing absolutely fantastically!

PE – SPORTS DAY! (Friday)

This Friday will be Sports Day! You should now have received a letter via email with all the details. Please carry out the tasks and submit your scores by Monday 6th July so that we can find out the winning team!


We are in for another treat this week thanks to Sam who is reading Chapter 14 of The Land of Roar! We can certainly all agree that Sam has done an absolutely amazing job!


Joan Procter, Dragon Doctor: The Woman Who Loved Reptiles: Amazon ...

Listen to the story about the famous Joan Procter. Every day there is a video explaining your task as well as an activity sheet to complete!






No literacy lesson due to Sports Day. Enjoy!


Heath Fields Primary School - Year 3 SG work from home

This week we are looking at drawing lines accurately, 2D shapes, 3D shapes and telling the time. There are four lessons that each have a downloadable worksheet. The accompanying videos for each lesson can be found via the weblink below or by downloading the video weblink document.






No numeracy lesson due to Sports Day. Enjoy!

SCIENCE (Monday)

Some surfaces reflect light better than others. The surfaces that reflect light best are smooth, shiny and flat. This is because the light rays bounce off these surfaces at the same angle.

If light hits a rough surface, the light rays all bounce off at different angles, meaning the light is scattered. It does not reflect well.

When the light rays hit the smooth mirror, they all bounce off at the same angle, creating a clear reflection.  When the light rays hit a rough surface, they scatter in all different directions, so it doesn’t reflect well.


What you need:

  • Pencil
  • Felt tip pen or coloured pencil
  • Paper
  • Mirror

Use your pencil to draw a shape such as an apple, star or tree on some paper. Stand a mirror vertically against the table you are using. Place your paper against the glass horizontally so your can see it in the mirror. Now try drawing over your shape with your pen or coloured pencil only looking in the mirror as you go. You are not allowed to look at the paper directly and must only look in the mirror! If you get confident then try making more complicated shapes or patterns!

ART (Tuesday)

As we have been finding out about Joan Procter, Dragon Doctor, we will be learning how to draw a bearded dragon! Watch this video to find out how!

GEOGRAPHY (Wednesday)

Have a look at this map of the UK which has eight landmarks on it. Some of them you will definitely know and some you might not! Look at the pictures and decide which name matches with each picture. Then decide are they physical features or human features?

PSHE (Thursday)

In life we can feel many different emotions. Some are positive such as happiness or joy whilst others are not quite as pleasant. In this video a group of children describe what they do when they feel angry and how these strategies help them to calm down. Once you have watched the video, complete the traffic light worksheet to show your smart strategies to stay calm!


You should now have received a letter via email with all the details. Please carry out the tasks and submit your scores by Monday 6th July so that we can find out the winning team!


We miss you all every single day and all of the amazing things that you are doing makes us very proud. The wonderful work that you complete at home always brightens up our day! Keep up all your terrific effort and we really can’t wait to see you again! Lots of love from the Year 3 Team x