A Huge ‘Well Done’ for Super Year 1!


Having Fun, Achieving Excellence!
Wow! What a hardworking half term it has been for the Year 1 children. We couldn’t be prouder of the effort and progress that each and every child has made.

What have Year 1 been up to?
Terrific Topic
Year 1 have been busy being Historians!
They have joined forces with Hero Headquarters to find out about significant people from the past including Florence Nightingale, Christopher Columbus, Guy Fawkes, The Wright brothers, Amy Johnson, Rosa Parks and WW1 soldiers.
They had to use their knowledge to decide whether each individual was a hero or a villain and why we still remember them today.
Using the key concepts of ‘cause and consequence‘ and ‘significance‘ the children were able to make links between people of the past and how they have had an impact on the way that we live today. The children really have blown us away with their understanding and we are super proud of the work that they have produced this half term.

Lovely Literacy
In literacy the children have been using their knowledge of significant individuals as a stimulus for their writing. They have learnt about conjunctions, explored how to write descriptive settings and also written in role as Amy Johnson.
Take a look at their amazing work below!

Fun at Forest School
One of the most exciting thing to happen in year 1 this half term is Forrest School!
Class 3 have been given the opportunity to take part in Forrest School lessons every week in small groups. They have been learning new craft skills and team games whilst exploring nature, wildlife and the tranquillity that the outdoors can bring.
Thank you for the opportunity and experience Mr Holman and Mrs Ward; class 3 have loved it (Class 4; it’s your turn next!)

Successful Learners, Confident Individuals, Responsible Citizens
Year 1 have also been hard at work in Numeracy, Spanish, PSHCE, RE, Science, Music…. and so much more! They really have embodied the school spirit and shown determination to succeed in everything they do.
Just look at what they have achieved!

Well done Year 1 – just look at the progress you have made since September! We can’t wait to see what you get up to next! We are so proud of you.