EYFS Curriculum
The Early Years Curriculum at Archibald
Please also look through the subject pages to see how the Early Years Curriculum blends with the National Curriculum delivered in Years 1-4.
The Early Years Curriculum
The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum is broken down into 7 areas of learning. The Prime Areas are the fundamental parts of development which children need in order to develop fully in all of the other Specific Areas of learning.
Prime Areas
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
We support your child and give them the tools they need to manage their own feelings, make relationships and develop self confidence and self awareness. We aim to enable your child to understand their feelings and ensure that they become independent learners in a nurturing environment which helps them feel safe and secure.
Physical Development
Your child will develop many skills such as climbing, sliding, crawling, riding a bike and being able to judge their own and others space. They will develop skills in handling tools and equipment such as pencils, clay tools, knives and forks and brushes.
We aim to encourage every child to understand the need to be healthy and what we need to do to stay healthy.
Communication and Language
We aim first to enable your child to become a good listener and provide the tools for every child to become a great communicator. Through lots of speaking and listening games and activities we can ensure that your child plays in a language rich environment where they are constantly encouraged to talk about what they see, what they do and begin to use their own developing knowledge to make new connections and links.
AFS Communication and Language Statement 2023
Specific Areas of Learning
Your child will enter an environment which is full of print, stories, poems and rhymes. We aim to intrigue children with a wide variety of fiction and non fiction books as well as things that particularly interest your child. Children will have daily phonic sessions which may include listening to sounds in the environment, learning new sounds and blending these sounds to read words. Children are encouraged to be writers both inside and out with most areas having writing equipment attractively placed in them.
Children’s knowledge of number will be deepened through real life experiences and things that children understand e.g. trips to the shops. They will develop a strong grounding in number. By the end of Reception they should be able to count confidently and have a deep understanding of the numbers to 10 as well as the relationships between numbers such as how many different ways to make 5. They will also have a sound knoweldge of shape, space and measure through shape walks, weighing and measuring real things.
Understanding of the World
Your child will develop a greater knowledge of the world in which they live, helping them to make sense of their physical world and community. They will do this through trips out, visitors coming into school and the use of a broad selection of stories and non-fiction books. In addition they will foster an understanding of our cultural, social, technological and ecological diverse world. As well as gaining a greater respect fo their own and other people’s beliefs. Through he topics we explore they will enrich and widen their vocabulary too.
Expressive Arts and Design
We aim to encourage your child to develop their imagination to its full potential. We want them to discover their own abilities in creativity and use a variety of media in innovative ways. In creating an environment which allows them to independently explore a range of media it allows every child to express themselves in a way that is fun and exciting to them.
Characteristics of Learning
Within Early years the Prime and Specific Areas of Learning and Development and interconnected with a child’s Characteristics of Learning. The Characteristics of Learning are:
Playing and Exploring (engagement)
Finding out and exploring
Playing with what they know
Being willing to ‘have a go’
Active Learning (motivation)
Being involved and concentrating
Keeping on trying
Enjoying achieving what they set out to do
Creating and Thinking Critically (thinking)
Having their own ideas
Making links
Choosing ways to do things
In Reception the children take part in the Government Statutory Reception Baseline Assessment, this became a statutory assessment as of September 2021. The purpose of the assessment is to provide the starting point for a new measure that will help parents understand how well schools support their pupils to progress between reception and year 6 / the end of key stage 2.
Please follow this linkĀ for more information and never hesitate to get in touch with us if we can be of any help.