Building a bridge by Year 3 Bloggers


Key Stage 2 went over to Central Middle School to build a bridge.  They learnt how it is constructed and how it safe.  They even walked across it (even the teachers)

Here’s what they had to say.

I went to build  a bridge  we  go to put gloves /  jackets /helmet  and then we  put  scaffold up  then we got to put pins .-Libby


I enjoyed building a bridge. My favourite part was making it but the best bit was walking across the bridge. We had to were safety equipment because there was lots of  heavy things.-Edie


Our class went bridge building the best bit was walking across it, it was a bit complicated at first but then it was easy. It was easier taking it apart than building it.-Martha

The best bit about the bridges was when we got Mrs Johnston to walk over the bridge. She was terrified- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! –Findlay