Archibald First School

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Personal Development


At Archibald First School, we provide daily opportunities for pupils to build upon skills that contribute to their own growing personal development. This is achieved through an intentional, whole school focus on the following aims for children throughout their school experience:

1. Recognise and maintain healthy relationships 

2. Know how to keep themselves safe (including online)  

3. Know how to stay physically and emotionally healthy

4. Be respectful and responsible children  


Our Personal Development Offer

Our personal development programme permeates all aspects of school life through our:


In addition, our offer includes: 

  • Assembly overview, which is carefully designed to develop our children’s understanding of our school values, school rules, modern values and the Equalities Act
  • Character Education
  • Inclusion and equality of opportunity
  • Pupil leadership development (Art ambassadors, language ambassadors, OPAL leaders, planet protectors, playground leaders and school council)
  • Relationship and Health Education

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